Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Judah James Robb...Yeah That's a Mullet

Yesterday we welcomed the newest member of the family into the world. Judah James was born on August 14 and weighed in at 8 lb 12 oz. Congratulations Jessica and Charlton...especially Charlton who timed the birth of his son perfectly just a few weeks shy of the start of LSU football. You're a smart man Chuck. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...Judah was born with a full-on mullet. It's in the genes.


are owe bee said...

the Lord said that it was good...

Carole Turner said...

It's weird because just last night at Chior practice I was looking at your hair and Rob's and thinking how you guys both have an updated version of the mullet. Short on the top, long in the back or as us old timers like to say "business in the front party in the back".